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DfE publishes response to consultation on EYFS changes

by Shannon Pite

The Department for Education has published its on changes to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework.

The revised EYFS, which is expected to be published in draft format shortly, will come into effect in January 2024. The DfE has confirmed that it will be proceeding with plans to create two versions of the EYFS framework: one with childminder-relevant content, and one with group and school-based, provider-relevant content.   

The proposed changes that will be going ahead include: 

  • Removing the requirement for level 3 educators to hold a level 2 (GCSE or equivalent) maths qualification, and instead applying this requirement to managers, who would "be responsible for ensuring their staff have the right level of maths knowledge to deliver high-quality early years provision".
  • Changing the requirement around how providers support children with English as an Additional Language to develop their home language from 鈥渕ust鈥 to 鈥渕ay.
  • Allowing suitable students on long term placements and apprentices to be included in the ratios at the level below their level of study, if the provider is satisfied that they are competent and responsible.
  • Removing the requirement for childminders to undertake pre-registration training in the EYFS (though understanding of the EYFS would continue to be assessed to the same level by Ofsted or a childminder agency prior to registration).
  • Allowing childminders' assistant(s) to act as the key person.

The following changes will also be going ahead but at a later date after further consultation with the sector:

  • Introducing an 鈥榚xperience-based route鈥 for educators to gain approved status to work within staff:child ratios, so that "otherwise suitable educators who don鈥檛 hold an approved level 3 qualification have a path to gaining 鈥榓pproved status鈥 without having to do a new qualification". This would allow educators to count within the level 3 ratio but would not give them a formal qualification.
  • Clarifying the wording in the EYFS to reflect the Department鈥檚 policy that only those with Qualified Teacher Status, Early Years Teacher Status and Early Years Professional Status can operate in level 6 staff:child ratios.

However, the government has confirmed that it will not be proceeding with the following proposals:

  • Reducing the percentage of level 2 qualified staff required per ratio for children of all ages from 鈥榓t least half鈥 to either 30% or 40% where application
  • Changing the qualification requirements for ratios so that they would not apply outside of peak working hours (for example, 9am-5pm). This would mean that staff would not need to hold an approved qualification outside of peak hours, though staff:child ratios, DBS, paediatric first aid and safety requirements would remain in place at these times.

The consultation response document is available 

Commenting, 无码天堂 CEO Neil Leitch said: "While we welcome the fact that some of the most damaging proposals in the consultation have been scrapped, the fact remains that the remaining changes 鈥 alongside the recent relaxation of ratios 鈥 represent an incredibly concerning direction of travel for early years policy.

"We of course recognise that there is an urgent need to tackle the early years recruitment and retention crisis 鈥 but lowering standards as part of a desperate attempt to build capacity in the sector ahead of the roll-out of the extended 30 hours offer, under the guise of 'increasing flexibility', is simply not acceptable.

"We're clear that the needs of the child and their right to a high-quality early education must always be the priority."