

40,000 more staff and 84,500 places needed by 2025 to meet increased early entitlement demand, PAC warn

Under 5 news

The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has published a letter to the Department for Education (DfE) highlighting challenges in meeting the number of early education and childcare places available for the entitlement expansion. ...Read more

Investing in the early years holds untold benefits both for business and wider society, report shows

Under 5 news

Prioritising the early years has the potential to benefit the UK’s economy, according to a new report released today.Read more

Early Education and Childcare Coalition launches new Rescue and Reform manifesto

Under 5 news
The Early Education and Childcare Coalition (EECC) has today launched its new manifesto, which sets out proposals to ‘rescue and reform’ England’s early education and childcare sectorRead more

56,000 early education and childcare places lost since 2019, research shows

Under 5 news
The number of early education and childcare places in England fell by 56,000 between 2019 and August 2023, representing a 4.3% fall in places, new research by the House of Commons Library shows.Read more

Sector voices capacity doubts as second phase of early entitlement expansion opens

Under 5 news

The second phase of the government’s early entitlement expansion opened on Sunday 12 May, sparking fresh concerns about the early years sector’s capacity to accommodate demand. ...Read more
