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Ofsted publishes first in a series of reports on the early years

Yesterday (14 October) Ofsted published its first in a series of reports on England’s early years sector.

Best Start in Life: A Research Review for the Early Years aims to support early years educators to raise the quality of early years education. Earlier this year Ofsted revealed its new five-year strategy which included a focus on improving the early years to help support children’s recovering after the pandemic.

The first report in the series stressed the value of play and teaching and the importance of developing communication skills. It stated that helping children to catch-up from the pandemic remained a key challenge for the sector and said practitioner should think carefully about what content to prioritise.

Subsequent reviews in the series will explore the Early Years Foundation Stages (EYFS) seven areas of learning.

The report was heavily criticised for relying on a ‘small and incomplete review’ of the literature, and not reflecting the ‘rich and extensive peer-reviewed research evidence available, nor the wealth of excellent practice in the sector' in a cross-sector letter, signed by more than 100 early years individuals and organisations, including the ÎÞÂëÌìÌÃ.

The full open letter is available ,