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Government’s response to the SEND review will be published early next year

By Rachel Lawler

The Department for Education (DfE) has confirmed that it will publish its response to the SEND review in early 2023.

The SEND and Alternative Provision green paper, published in March this year, outlined the DfE's plans to make SEND provision fairer and more inclusive. The DfE held a consultation on the plans.

Secretary of state for education Gillian Keegan has now confirmed that the government's response to the review will be published early next year.

Keegan said: "My team and I very much look forward to working with you to deliver a change that supports all of our children and young people for generations to come."

Neil Leitch, CEO of the ÎÞÂëÌìÌÃ, said: â€œWe welcome confirmation from the education secretary that the government’s response to the SEND review will be published early next year. If we are to have any chance of transforming the life chances of children and young people with SEND, however, it is absolutely vital that the early years plays a central role in any future SEND government strategies.  

“As our own research from earlier this year shows, early educators are grappling with a complex, inconsistent and slow SEND system, underpinned by wholly inadequate funding, that consistently falls short of meeting the needs of providers and families alike. Ministers constantly talk about the vital importance of early intervention and yet all too often, the early years is an afterthought when it comes to SEND provision.  

“As such, while we look forward to hearing the education secretary’s plans in the new year, we urge her to recognise that any new policies in this important area must prioritise the early years, and include substantial and realistic investment in SEND provision, if they are to have any meaningful and lasting impact."