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Fatherhood Institute launches Becoming Dad guide for new fathers

By Rachel Lawlerfather reading to baby

The Fatherhood Institute has launched a new guide for new and expectant fathers, Becoming Dad.

The guidance aims to fill the gap left by reduced maternity services during the Covid-19 pandemic after a revealed that a majority of fathers had been left out of antenatal appointments (81%), ultrasound scans (80%) and antenatal classes (83%). Two-thirds of fathers asked (67%) said that they had felt less well-prepared for fatherhood as a result while 84% said they felt less able to support their partner.

One father told the Fatherhood Institute: "I feel like I missed out on vital bonding time with my son and this has caused undue mental impact to us a family unit."

The new guide, produced with the Mental Health Foundation, includes information to help new fathers make sense of what is happening, look after themselves and those around them and become a confident father.

The Fatherhood Institute will also be setting up a 'what works' network in 2022 to consult with parents and practitioners about best practice and help family services 'build back' from the pandemic.

Early years practitioners and other professionals working with families are invited to share the guidance with fathers using .