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Ofsted reviews January date to return to inspections

By Rachel LawlerOfsted inspections January 2021

Ofsted has confirmed that its plans for returning to EIF inspections in January 2021 is being kept under review, although has not yet changed.

In the meantime, Ofsted will continue to carry out registration visits, early years interim visits and childcare register inspections.

Inspectors will decide on a case-by-case basis whether this work can be carried out virtually or on-site or through a combination of the two.

Ofsted has also said that it recognises the Department for Education’s guidance on limiting visitors to settings and says that its inspectors will be sensitive to the additional pressures that providers are under at this time.

Ofsted inspectors are permitted to enter premises registered with Ofsted that provide childcare. Inspectors will discuss with providers how to do this safely in the current climate. It says that on-site visits will be important in some cases for safeguarding children.