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Webinar on importance of early years physical activity

Early years practitioners are invited to join us for a webinar: The essential importance of physical activity in the early years.

For young children physical activity, play and movement is essential. It develops the whole child.

It increases physical literacy (agility, balance and coordination), and supports all round health and social development as children play and learn together.

Physical activity can happen indoors of course, but when children are outside, they are more likely to have space and stimulation for energetic bouts of activity. 

In this webinar Michael Freeston, Director of Quality Improvement and Melanie Pilcher, Quality and Standards Manager will reflect on the improvements to outdoor learning made across the early years in recent years.

They will also consider the greater emphasis being placed by Ofsted on providing a broader range of physical activity opportunities and encouraging children to engage in more physical activity.

When: Friday, June 9, 2017 12PM — 1PM

This webinar is free but to access it properly you will need a good working internet connection and a computer or device with a speaker or headphones.