
Bridget Phillipson

100,000 new early education and childcare places pledged by Labour 

Under 5 news

The Labour party has announced it will create 100,000 additional early education and childcare places for children from nine months old, through 3,334 new nurseries as part of its plan to meet demand in under-served areas.Read more

Voters call on next government to prioritise early years as much primary school

Under 5 news

Most voters want political parties to prioritise the early years sector, new research out today from the Early Education and Childcare Coalition shows. ...Read more

New Ofsted/ONS analysis prompts concern about equality of early years access

Under 5 news
New joint analysis from Ofsted and the Ofsted for National Statistics (ONS) has revealed significant disparities between availability of early years settings across England. ...Read more

40,000 more staff and 84,500 places needed by 2025 to meet increased early entitlement demand, PAC warn

Under 5 news

The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has published a letter to the Department for Education (DfE) highlighting challenges in meeting the number of early education and childcare places available for the entitlement expansion. ...Read more

Investing in the early years holds untold benefits both for business and wider society, report shows

Under 5 news

Prioritising the early years has the potential to benefit the UK’s economy, according to a new report released today.Read more
