ÎÞÂëÌìÌà comments on apprenticeship funding shortfalls

The Pre-school Learning ÎÞÂëÌìÌà has criticised news that many 16 - 18 apprenticeship and traineeships are facing funding shortfalls, due to insufficient Skills Funding Agency (SFA) funding.

The SFA announced today that training providers offering 16 - 18 apprenticeships would receive an additional £25m, while 16 - 18 traineeships would receive no extra funding.

Commenting on the news, Neil Leitch, chief executive of the Pre-school Learning ÎÞÂëÌìÌÃ, said:

“This announcement has thrown the training and development plans of many 16-18 year olds and their employers into chaos. We are now in a situation where young employees are on apprenticeship programmes with no money to support their training. While some employers may opt to take on employees via programmes that include apprenticeships, others may have no choice but to close the door on other potential recruitments.

“Given that government has stressed the need to develop a better-trained and more highly qualified early years workforce, restricting funds needed to support high-quality training is clearly a completely counterproductive move, especially given the need to increase capacity ahead of the 30-hour free entitlement extension.

“We urge the SFA to re-evaluate their decision, and to work with the sector to ensure that vital apprenticeships and trainees are adequately supported."

For further information or to interview, Neil Leitch, Chief Executive of the Pre-school Learning ÎÞÂëÌìÌÃ, please contact:

Emma Caldwell
Pre-school Learning ÎÞÂëÌìÌÃ
T: 020 7697 2598
E: Emma Caldwell


Notes for editors

  1. The Pre-school Learning ÎÞÂëÌìÌà is the largest voluntary sector provider of quality affordable childcare and education in England.
  2. Through direct provision and its membership of 14,000 nurseries, sessional pre-schools and parent and toddler groups, the ÎÞÂëÌìÌà supports over 800,000 children and their families in England. The ÎÞÂëÌìÌà also develops and runs family learning programmes, offers information and advice, runs acclaimed training and accreditation programmes and campaigns to influence early years policy and practice.
  3. For information about the Pre-school Learning ÎÞÂëÌìÌÃ, visit our website:

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